John is Matt's oldest friend, going way back to the fourth grade bonding over their shared love of Star Wars Legos. From there the two of them have played hundreds of games of pool, battle front, and shared many many memes.
Gabrielle Rosner - Maid of Honor
Gabrielle is Sophia's sister and lifelong best friend! The only fighting these two ever did is when Sophia would steal her clothes. They have been through the thick and thin of life together! Gabrielle lives in Kansas City, MO with her husband Nevin and son Graham.
Josh Metz - Groomsmen
Josh has known Matt longer than any of the other groomsman, going all the way back to the day Matt was born. Josh is Matt's older cousin and one of his closest friends. Needless to say over those 26 years the two have had more than their fair share of good times.
Jedidiah Lilley - Bridesmaid
Sophia and Jedidiah (Jedi) have been friends since they were 8 years old! They went to elementary and middle school together, different high schools, then reunited in college where they were roommates for two years. Through every season of life these two remain close. Jedidiah is engaged and will be married in April 2025!
David Stevens - Groomsmen
David was Matt's partner in crime at Messiah. They met as freshman and were together for everything since then. From weight cuts and 5:00 AM lifts to trips to delco and wawa runs, they've had quite a time over the years.
Marissa Parenti - Bridesmaid
Sophia and Marissa have been friends since they were in elementary school. They have happy memories of playing in the brooke behind Marissa's house, going on family vacations together in Rhode Island, and many other countless memories. Marissa is married to her husband Brandon and has two beautiful twin girls, Malia and Isla.
Hunter (Gremlin) Rinehart - Groomsmen
Hunter and Matt met when Matt was a junior at Messiah. Matt actually gave Hunter his legendary nickname "The Gremlin" after he figured out that Hunter got crazy after midnight. Hunter loves to travel and probably has plenty to tell you about the crazy country he's going to next.
Olivia Neal - Bridesmaid
Olivia and Sophia met when Sophia was living in Kansas City. It was an instant "soul sister" connection! These two have bonded over their shared love of people and personality. Olivia has a vivacious and larger than life personality. She currently resides in Kansas City, MO.
Brian Shermeyer - Groomsmen
Brian was Matt's first friend and roommate at Messiah. First meeting at accepted students day prior to their freshman year, they hit it off instantly. Brian was notorious for sleeping through his alarm for 8:00 class which led to Matt's daily routine of kicking his bunk to wake him up.
Nichole Swan - Bridesmaid
Nichole was Sophia's first friend she made when she moved back to CT. Their friendship was formed on geeked out conversations about Jesus and psychology. They both enjoy going to coffee shops and hiking.